Those of you who know me well probably know I'm vegetarian! *And if you don't know me well, I hope we become friends and then you can know me well too!*
Well, the main reason I am vegetarian is because I hate the thought of killing a poor, helpless creature and then eating it. Ew! It's so sad... how they get murdered just to satisfy people's stomachs! Cruel!
How would you like it - I'm talking to the meat eaters here - if you got murdered and then, say a chicken ate you? Well you wouldn't feel anything because you would be DEAD!
I'm just expressing my opinion. You are free to express your feelings too, in my comments box!
Btw, that STUPID spammer on my blog is still there! JUST GO AWAY, before I get you arrested, alright?
Ok, happy thoughts now! Basically, vegetarianism not only saves animals, it makes you healthier too. All that fresh fruit, veg and water will do you good! If you eat meat, I'm not asking you to give up meat forever. All I'm asking is if you will just try to be vegetarian? Go on, give it a go, you might find you don't even miss meat!
Meat Eaters: There are good meat substitutes, like Quorn or Soya.
I love vegetarianism!
P.S: Meat eaters please don't get annoyed at this post! It's my opinion, and I am giving you the oppertunity to express your opinion too :)
roshwrites (the almost 13 year old! yes it's my birthday next thursday!)
roshwrites (the almost 13 year old! yes it's my birthday next thursday!)
just 13 and so wise :)
happy birthday Rosh (in advance)
meat eater speaking :P,
well, its not only the humans that are carnivorous.. we are not on top of the food chain either
there can be many explanations given to being a non veg. but since it would be pretty long... idd jus like to conclude that it is merely a matter of perspective and lifestyle choice :)
and religion also plays its part someway or the other..
to gt rid of ur spammer, try changing ur blogger passwrd :)
I laughed like crazy when I thought about me dying and chicken eating me up. I on the other hand am a die hard non vegetarian. You can call me a carnivore :P Sorry. Sweet post though :)
Hey rosh...advance happy bday yaar :):D:).n hey me too a veggie ..i too dnt like ppl killing an innocent creature just to satisfy their hunger pangs and taste and all ...Its so cruel na !
wow you're turning 13 soon eh? happy advance birthday wishes! :P
You're 9 years younger to me and its lovely to see young bloggers! :P [now that doesn't mean I'm an old blogger :|]
Anyway! I like everything veg and non-veg! :P
But I enjoy veggies more than meat! =) Because there are a lot of items you can cook with veggies..!
Alooo being my fave <3
keep blogging!
hmm.. i dont think a chicken would like me as food dear rosh, i'm too skinny ;):P besides, i'm more attracted to fruits n veggies anyway :D
nice post Ms.(Almost)13YrOld! :D hehe...
happy bday in advance dear !
lols...babes..u a veggie?? does that mean u not gonna eat in kfc with me when i am in london next year?? :(
so u a veggie....that means u eat plants, green leafy vegetables..
so lemme ask u...
if you are a veggie just to be kind to animals, WHY are you EATING THEIR FOOD??? hehe...think bout it.
love u
Thanks for all your comments :)
@AD- thanks! :) :) :)
@Shimmer- hey, nice opinions :) guess what? spammer hasn't spammed up my comment box this time! yay!
@Ms.R- hehe... thanks for reading :)
@adreamgal- yay!! fellow veggie! :D
@Esther- hi! welcome to my blog, yeah you're right, there's so many things you can cook with veggies! :)
@Leo- thanks for reading :) :) well, maybe you wouldn't be too skinny for a cat or something :P but people don't eat cats :P
@pinkZz- thanks! :D
Hmm.. me too a veggie...
I too feel odd about eating creatures but know wat, once I had a debate ovr it n i found out tht half of the worlds population eats non veg n still there is scarcity of vegetables n foodstuffs...SO imagine wat if the whole world turns to vegetarianism..?? it was really a nice point I learnt tht day.. just struck to me wen I was readin ur post...
HApPy BiRtHdAy in AdVaNcE dear.. :) :)
keep it up :)
Advance birthday wishes... take care... :)
@FL- well... we don't have to go to KFC!! :P pizza hut is much better :P
what else am I meant to eat??? at least the animal doesn't die :)
@Urvashi- hi fellow veggie :) nice points... and thanks!
@Arv- thank you :)
Yippie :) :) Vegeterians Rawwwk :D HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROSH KUTTY :)
Hey Rosh,
im sorry i havent been able to come here often..but reading ur post on being a vegetarian.. u made me smile..and all ur other readers too.. hey happy birthday lil one.. my teen girl. :)
i like your blog! check mine out:
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